
martes, 22 de enero de 2013


As many others before me, for years I wished to write a blog because I've always liked to express my thoughts, opinions and limited knowledge through words. Maybe I only need the substance... 

And the substance could not be other than the light in the architecture, the element that allows the perception of the project, because as one guy, who seemed like a crow, told:

"Architecture is the wise, correct and magnificent play of volumes collected together under the light." 

My fascination for light and architecture comes from my childhood, when on a family trip I discovered the Pantheon in Rome. That same day I had the chance to return to visit it. I just sat on the marble floor and looked at the large central oculus.

For me, at ten years old, the Pantheon represented the highest expression of art and that perception was due to the massive dome and the light coming through the oculus. I suspect that many others before and after me have had a similar feeling, the perception of something so perfect that catches our attention and thoughts. Without going too far, a few years ago, an amateur boxer who visited it thought something like: 

"When I saw the light from the oculus of the Pantheon in Rome, I knew I wanted to be an architect."

Yes, that's what the amateur boxer but extraordinary architect Tadao Ando thought, reason why he hung up the gloves and picked up the pen.
My journey took me to practice as an architect and devote to teaching. My work at the University has always been linked to the investigation of light in architecture, so short time later I was able to deliver my doctoral thesis, a dense study of daylight through the skylights. The tribunal president arrived a little earlier the thesis show, so I had a chance to talk with him. Basically, he said to me:

"I really liked your thesis, although it is as thick as a brick."

That, more or less, was what Alberto Campo Baeza told me. He liked the result, but would have preferred something more didactic, closer to the architect. For what little I know, Alberto Campo is a humble person, away from the typical stereotypes of famous architects. He invited me to share the little knowledge I have learned with others like him, which is why I have decided to start this blog. I hope you enjoy reading this blog as much as I write it.
Finally, I apologize for my poor fluence writing in English. I trust it is not a major obstacle to enjoy with the paper.

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