
lunes, 25 de marzo de 2013

Window Design II

Architecture Design
Before looking at the role of other architectural elements, we will delve into the behavior of daylight through windows.
5. - The amount of light is proportional to the window surface: This is a logical argument, because when the window has more surface greater amount of light enters the room [1].  In fact, the window surface is directly proportional to the level of illumination.

6. - The depth of light depends on the position of the window: This statement was already observed in the previous text: an upper window allows a deeper illumination, while avoiding the glare of the occupants [2]. Consequently, if we want the daylight reaches the back of the room, we need upper windows with large surface.

7. - The horizontal windows are better than vertical: Le Corbusier put it well ... The long windows allow more uniform lighting in the room, while the vertical windows create shadowy areas and produce a high contrast.

All these statements can be seen in numerous studies on lighting. Currently, it should be noted the research of Diepens et al. [3], which analyzes the light distribution of different windows in a room.
Later we will talk about the appropriate spacing between windows, to produce uniform illumination.
Greetings and see you soon.
[1] Navarro, J.: Sobre Iluminación Natural en Arquitectura. Universidad de Sevilla, 1983.
[2] CIBSE: Daylighting and Window Design. London: Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers, 1999. Cap. 2.2.3.
[3] Diepens, J., Bakker, F., Zonneveldt, L.: Daylight design variations book. TNO-TUE Centre for Building Research (en desarrollo, última actualización Octubre 2000).

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