
jueves, 9 de mayo de 2013

Window Design IV

Architecture Design
Below we will develop a brief study on the position and spacing between windows. So far we have conducted three previous notes, as follows:
In previous posts we have studied how the area and position of the window affects the daylight in a room. As we know, the amount of light that comes into a room is directly proportional to the surface of the window. We also know that as higher the window lintel, the deeper the light.
A study to develop is the spacing between windows. We are going to observe the office model where different vertical windows are located. The window is resized, keeping the height of the lintel and varying the spacing between the jambs:

As we can see, the windows that are located far apart leave dark areas between them, causing uneven illumination. Moreover, the closer windows allow greater uniformity of light.
Accordingly, we conclude that the optimal spacing between windows is ½ the height of the lintel. If the windows are separated more than that distance, dark areas occur. If the windows spacing is less than that measure, the uniformity is preserved.

This work has been developed by the New Buildings Institute, which has done a great job in collaboration with the University of Idaho and Washington. My sincere congratulations for this study.
I hope that with this final note we will know more about the design of windows. Much remains to be discovered, such as how to quantify light produced by a window, but these issues will develop in future extensive notes.

1 comentario:

  1. I've not been able to see the diagrams/pictures of Window Desig III & IV. What can I do?
