
lunes, 10 de junio de 2013

Sun Polar Charts I

How to use your own Sun polar chart:

The Sun polar charts allow us to determine when sunlight falls through a window or a skylight.

A Sun polar chart is a representation of the path of the sun throughout the year for a given latitude. The representation of a window or skylight on a solar chart allows us to see when the solar incidence occurs through the opening.
Sun polar chart at latitude 40º, drawing by author.

Is set out below how we use a solar chart:

1.- Define a window with an orientation and a point of study.

2.- Set the viewing angle from the point of study in plan view.

3.- Set the viewing angle from the point of study in section view.

4.- Transfer the plan angles to the Sun polar chart.

Set the section angles to the Sun polar chart.

Define the window in the solar chart.

As we can see, the window occupies an area of ​​the solar path. If we look closely, we can determine that this area corresponds to a number of hours, days and months of the year. This time interval shows us when solar incidence occurs through the window.

Coming soon we will explain how to build our own solar chart. See you soon.

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